This is a super fast enchilada recipe that just involves mixing a bunch of things in a bowl, plopping the mix onto a tortilla (or flatbread or pita) and cooking for 15 minutes. It doesn’t get much simpler than this! This is also a very interesting recipe because it is not something one would naturally think to make. Mixing cream of mushroom and crab meat is not common. In fact, most people do not even associate seafood with the “Mexican food.” However, this recipe isn’t really Mexican and it is really good.

Another up side, canned crab meat is cheaper than the real thing and in this recipe, tastes just as good. So save your self some money and never be afraid to cut corners.

Canned Crab and Cream of Mushroom Enchiladas

Serves 5

Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees. Cook time: 15 minutes


5 thick flour tortillas

1 6 oz. can of white crab meat drained

1 c. cream of mushroom soup

½ c. fresh cilantro, chopped

½ c. shredded cheese, Mexican or a blend work best

½ to 1 c. of same cheese set aside for sprinkling on top

¼ c. ready-made salsa from a jar (if fresh and less liquid, use ½ cup)

Sprinkle of fresh parsley and ground black pepper

½ t. roasted red pepper oil


Mix the above ingredients together. In a sprayed or very lightly greased casserole dish, spoon about 3 T. of the mix onto a tortilla. It’s easiest to have ½ the tortilla touching the pan and the other ½ in your hand. Then, quickly roll the tortilla with the overlapping side on the pan. Pour any leftover mix over the enchiladas and sprinkle evenly the extra cheese over the top. A little salsa sprinkled on the top sparingly looks good to, but that is optional.

Bake in the oven at 325 degrees for 15 minutes or until the cheese is well melted. Let cool and serve.

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