Prayer talking to GodAre you like me? Deep down, I used to think that being saved meant something only holy people could be. You know, Mother Theresa type people. I came from poverty and abuse, felt like a loser with no worth so being a holy person, saved wouldn’t be possible.

No, no, no – that’s not true! I’ve been a Christian now for about 12 years so I know what it takes to become one and YOU can be one too. For real! If you have those same thoughts, deep down or right on the surface, they are wrong, and I can help you out of that stinkin’ thinkin’ right now!

Right at this very second you can be holy and saved, and not only that, the holiness and salvation will continue growing in you and through you for the rest of your life. The Holy Spirit loves you that much and wants to hear from you. You don’t have to get clean or be better, Jesus already did that for you on the cross, you just need to accept that gift.

You turn from the world and turn to God – that’s called “Repentance” and you trust in God. Boom, done! You can do this right now, NO MATTER WHAT has happened in your life and NO MATTER who you are. Just dedicate your life to Jesus.

Do you still need help? Okay try it like this:

“Jesus, I need you. Be my everything. Reveal yourself to me so I can know you better than ever, in a deep and intimate, interactive way. Start living within me and leading me. Help me to dedicate my life to you. Be real to me and change me throughout.”

That’s it! You’ve done it so now you can start living out your faith by spending time with the Holy Spirit and reading the Bible. Do you know why this is all it takes? Because God loves you and he loves you with a deep and changing love that will transform you into a new and better person. It’s okay if that takes time. It’s taken me a long time. Oh well!

All that matters is that you plug into the Lord and start talking to Him and listening. Jesus loves you and wants to hear from you so join him!

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