Here is a recipe for Indian-style sauerkraut with an emphasis on adding anti-inflammation ingredients like turmeric (curcumin). Ingredients • 1 medium head (around 2 pounds) cabbage (good quality needed) •
Author: Sarah
Another Christmas Story to Remember The night before Christmas, all through the building, no children stirred, only noise from the mice. Dollar store stockings, hung but empty for children hoping
Small circular stars sit and twinkle in the sky; thinking, blinking. The small white sun grows brilliantly turning and growing in the atmosphere red and orange. Visions of arrant ruby
TIP: Even if you don’t need 4 servings, make this anyway. Not only will this dish last several days but like tabbouleh, this Indian chicken dish ages well. Warning: I love
How to Streamline Your Writing Process, courtesy of Henneke at Enchanting Marketing
Here is the the second and final interview on memories from my mother. Here is the first interview if you missed it. Everyone has memories from high school. What were
Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. -Psalm 55:22 Freshman year in high school was
Adding an Aunt’s Blessing into the Mix Blessings from our mothers and fathers affect us both consciously and unconsciously. The blessings, whether formal or informal, create head and heart knowledge
Prom Season is A Night to Shine UPDATED: Check out my recap of Night to Shine 2019. It was my second year serving with North Shore Community Baptist Church and
Beyond the Mirror During your time on this planet, while participating in this earth school Remember the days when you looked in the mirror not knowing your own face. You