Well, here we are again, back with Mom. She has so much living to share and so many readers interested in her memories so she is getting another series! Part
Author: Sarah
Let’s destigmatize mental health challenges! We start by opening the lines of communication don’t we? So this post is going to give a brief flyover of Manic Depressive disorder which
Mom had you when she was 17-years-old. Her mom gently brought up the possibility of abortion and Mom declined. So you were an unexpected baby but a wanted baby. What
Whe re were you born? Exeter, New Hampshire in a taxi cab. What are some of your earliest memories? Living in foster homes. Good memories were camping, skipping school to
This second interview in the family tree is with my niece and nephew, Zoe and Aaron. You’ll learn about their individual characters in just a few questions and answers. This
Part Three of Three (Click to read Part One or Part Two) How old were you when you began dating? The summer before my 8th grade, our church, Fellowship Baptist,
Bighorn sheep are found high up in the Rocky Mountains. Colorado has the largest population which is quite possibly why the bighorn sheep are the official mammal of the state.
My sister and I were talking about a burn accident when we heard her 4-year-old say, “I’m supposed to call 911 if someone is burned.” Surprised but wanting to make
Did you know that in 1 of 4 nations, women can choose an abortion no matter how far along she is in her pregnancy? Did you know she can also
Part Two of Three (Click here to read Part One) What did your family, as a whole, do for fun? What did you hate doing? Share some memories and