The Shield Over the castle fireplace lays a sturdy but mangled shield The shield is worn, cracked, and scarred Its planks so warped, they look like handholds The wood shield does not shine like those of bronze or iron, But is respected for its survival and reliability its given nature. While other shields are […]
My nephew wrote a poem to God for his “Man Class” with the church. We made my niece write one too. The writing is so precious and even though my niece struggled, they both did a nice job. Dear God, We all do things we can’t undo, some things by accident, some things on purpose. […]
What’s one of your favorite books right now, and why? Crash test dummies are life savers. To me, the For Dummies books are exactly that. The best-selling series is my generation’s “Peyton Place-” Everybody’s heard of the books, not a single body reads them…except for all those invisible people buying the books! I thought “Quantum […]
Let’s start with the definition of a parable. It’s often allegorical and seemingly simple. However, the purpose of the story is to teach lessons – moral, faith based, spiritual and scholastic types. Jesus was known for teaching in parables (he taught 46 of them!) and there are many examples of them in the Bible’s Gospels. […]