The key to reading poetry is to wear it like a glove.
I know it’s a cliché to say but sometimes the things worth
repeating don’t sound so great at first.
It’s true, when we fill in the blanks with our own
personal touches, we make that poem relatable and let’s
face it, we are all looking for something and somewhere
to which we can relate and belong.

Even when we want to go nowhere,
a poem melted and pressed on our bodies brings us one
step closer to where we need to be.

color bars sarah vigueColors form, side by side, forming a poetic pattern of structure
and creativity that is a starting point with infinite potential.
What does this mean for you and your work? It simply means this:

Start here at the cross roads of _______ moving beyond _______.
Go up there to ______ near a simple or complex relationship between
the place where _______ your ______ left an impression that you could
never shake away.  With baby steps in writing like this you’ll start to
understand what I say. The poem forms into you and show why you
are such a ______ who will never forget that even with stumbling blocks, your creativity and freedom will_____. And now you are on your way.
Just fill___ the blanks.

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