Now that he’s back in the fire
There are streaks of Coal in his veins, whoa, whoa
He broods like Karma and glares like coal
Demoralizes want of change, whoa, whoa
When he started for his sulk on the sun
He yelled of thunder and spat out rain, whoa, whoa

Show us, did you trip over the moon?
Could we fail, swimming through the mercury only to see death brilliant
The place where Hell’s appreciated
Show me, did you stand for a falling rock
A woman who could wipe you clean
And did you forget me while it was scarring up your skin?

Now he’s back from that conflagration
Rubbing his hands and banging flint, whoa, whoa
He hears Beethoven walking with the chain gang
Demoralizing us on parole, whoa, whoa

Now that he’s back in the fire
I’m glowing, valiant and maybe even beautiful but…
Took a raven from its cage, outside it flew too afraid to return so he never really did

Show us, did smoke hold you down, steal your lungs?
Should you have had to sweat hard to fight alone the dark of night
Forced back through the mercury
You show Us, that Legion haunts our lives
Hoping you’d realize what you wanted to hide
And did you forget me while it was scarring up your skin

Did you slaughter all hate, conceit, injured spines
The worse enemies insensible, hating\you because they can
Did you slaughter all dark nights, dragons, demons, boo boos, and broken memories
Another life better off gone
And her

Show us, did you trip over the moon?
Could we fail, swimming through the mercury only to see death brilliant
The place where Hell’s appreciated
Show me, did you stand for a falling rock
A woman who could wipe you clean
And did you forget me while it was scarring you?


Show me, did you stand for a falling rock
Nothing but a falling rock
And did you forget me while it was scarring up your skin?

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