If testimony sharing is important, so is prayer. Here’s some help:

You’ve likely got the free testimony ebook now, if you want it. Would you like another freebie? Here it is below, a downloadable and printable Prayer List I created to help me support those I love through the power of holy prayer. I’m sharing it with you because I’m hoping it can help you too. After all, as important as sharing our testimonies are, we need to be praying for ourselves and others too!

Use this and the free testimony ebook to help encourage your walk with God. That relationship is the most important one you’ll ever have. As a Christian who’s life reflects God’s love poured out, I make time for daily praying and recommend it to you as well.

But, maybe you get stuck, like I do, and you need loving people supporting you… I have a free resource for that too!

Want free prayer for yourself? Here’s a Christian organization I use:

Sign up for Christian healing with OSL at https://osltoday.org/. Cancer diagnosis got you scared? Chronic depression pushing you down? Problem with your weight? They pray for it all with you in a gentle and interactive manner so give it a try.

Without further ado. Here it is, my gift to you, a free Prayer List:

Download the Prayer List


Prayer List by Sarah Vigue on Meredibly

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